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Even in the safety of their home, there are many risky places a child or teenager can visit online. This can be due to the content they see, who they come into contact with, and personal information they share.

While cyberspace offers many advantages, including opportunities for learning, socialisation and entertainment, young people are at risk of making poor decisions about the information they access and share online. This can include personally identifying material (e.g. school, phone number, address) and inappropriate or provocative content including images.

Young people may underestimate the risks of sharing such information online, particularly with strangers, and they may not realise how difficult it is to remove something from the Internet once it has been posted.

If your child needs help with a mental health difficulties, or if you have concerns and are unsure if you or your child may need assistance, you can visit your regular GP or contact any of the following services:

Lifeline        13 11 14

Kids Helpline        1800 55 1800

headspace        1800 650 890

beyondblue        1300 22 4636


Mental Health Commission

The 5 Cs of Cybersafety

Why you need a family media plan

Advice for game use

Top 10 tips for cyber safety

Think of technology like a swimming pool

When to give your child a mobile phone